Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Mum, Mom, Momma, Mummy .. whatever you might call her she's pretty darn wonderful. Due to a wonderful blog that Lane wrote I couldn't stop thinking about my mom. As I grew up we were always super close, that sick kind of close where people thought we were sisters. Over the past couple of years things somehow changed and we are so busy I don't get to talk to her much lately. But I called her last night and spoke with her; it was lovely. She was doing her normal morning business at her Flower shop but stopped immediately to talk to me. Hubby could see the smile on my face when he walked into the room and knew it was due to my mother.

So I'd like to say thanks to Lane, I knew I missed my mom but apparently wasn't aware how much :)

We love you & miss you! *[mom, not Lane - but Lane is quite enjoyable company]


  1. Awwwww! I'm glad my post got you thinking about you mommy Christina! Sounds like she was thinking about you just as much!

  2. Totally agree - Lane's post made me miss mine as well - I haven't seen her in years now :(
    I've just read your blog (from beginning to end) and I have no idea what you are doing in Sicily! I'm very curious - what has brought you into the world of expat-life?

    Suze x

  3. Suze, you are right! I can't beleive you read through my whole blog, ekk! I have been quiet about that on my blog; but not for any specific reason. I'm here in Sicily becuase my hubby is military and we are stationed here :)

  4. Ciao!!

    Well, since I was tagged and you said you liked tags, I thought you'd be the first person I tag!

    Buuut I see you've just done a similar one, so you don't have to... but you're still going to be the first person on my list :)

    The rules:
    1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
    2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).
    3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

  5. Ahhh - that makes sense now!
    Welcome to the world of expats! We're pretty normal, I promise. I find blogging helps to keep track of what we get up to over here - and friends and family back home enjoy reading so that they don't lose touch. But the nicest thing is the other expat bloggers that you meet. I'm looking forward to reading more on your blog!

    Suze x
