Friday, April 16, 2010

Booze and Boxes

I cannot blog due to the boxes .. well and the booze. He he that's all in boxes right now (wine shipment people, I'm not a lush). I have declared that we have too many items and will very soon be purging. A lot.

We are almost through getting our items out of storage, neither of us have taken any days off from work .. so it's been interesting. Joe is amazing and I am trying to be organized. We shall see how that turns out.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I am amazed

I got to thinking today, in the past year, I have had four addresses, five if you include the couple of weeks in the hotel. That is too much moving and we aren't even done! (Over half done, just the big stuff now, yippee)

I was relaxing in my hammock [that Mr. Crazy just put up for me, yay] watching the dogs run around and play. I kept thinking what an odd year we've had. There have been major ups and major downs. I'd think that purchasing our first home is in the 'up' category, although once I show you pictures you may disagree. It's a bit of a fixer upper. Well that might be too harsh, but the wallpaper alone puts it in a sad state, and the pink paint and tiles makes me want to scream. So, there will be progress and changes. Lots of changes to come! I can't wait, but first I need to find my laptop charger.