Monday, February 11, 2008

Baby screaming it's head off in the middle of the night and ruining my life, pie"

So, I finally saw The Waitress. I've been wanting to see this movie since Caitlin mentioned something interesting about it online; made slightly more interesting when I found out the writer died/was murdered. I was curious to see what this story, her dream, was about. This movie is sad and according to my husband, boring. While he's not far off, I sort of liked it. It's real, sad and touching. This woman, a waitress lives a terribly sad life, is married to an ass and she suddenly gets pregnant. Not wanting the baby makes matters quite complicated. I found I liked the way it was filmed, almost quirky. It does inspire me to make some pie.


  1. I really liked this film, as you know. It is sad and touching. I also was really intrigued about the writer...who was the quirky waitress with the glasses? And the writer's little girl was the toddler in the end scene. Really sad she never got to see her movie released worldwide.

  2. Now you've got me intrigued...although I hate sad endings. As long as I google it beforehand maybe I can stand to watch it...

  3. Lane it actually ends nicely! You should watch it!
