Sunday, October 18, 2009

Shaken up

My husband and brother in law got into an accident last night.

They were riding motorcycles, BIL got hit by a truck (holy cow!) and hubby laid down the bike he was riding in order to not hit BIL. It was the trucks fault and the boys are ok. That's all that matters, they are beat up and bruised, but they are ok.

Please send some good thoughts or prayers their way, the next few days will be rough for them.


  1. omg christina! i'm so glad to hear that they are okay, how scary!

  2. I am so glad to hear they are doing okay and can't imagine how scared you were. Hope they continue to have a full and swift recovery.

  3. OMG, Christina! That's is horribly scary. I'm so glad they're okay and I'll be thinking of you all.

  4. So glad they are ok Christina! I'm sorry I didn't read about this earlier! Hope their recovery is complete by now!
