Sunday, March 28, 2010

A month and no change, really?

I realize it's been longer than a month and I still have nothing exciting to share. Sorry, I'm a terrible blogger.

Joe is working nights and his days off are the middle of the week, which makes my days off (the weekends) generally very boring. I more or less feel like a waste. Hopefully, that will change soon.

We are so close I can taste it. I'm actually tasting dust, but I won't think about that. The crazy couple is trying to buy a house. It's been a complete year now that my things went into boxes, it's past time to unpack them and live a real and normal life. I am so tired of transitional limbo. I am quite excited about this and keep hoping it'll work out. We have our work cut out for us (oh my gosh do we ever!) but it's still exciting.

Whatever you do, pray, hope, send good vibes .. please do some in our direction. We NEED to close on this house this week!


  1. That's very exciting! Good luck! x

  2. Good luck, Christina! Hope it works out real soon!
