Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dog days of summer. . .

The fantastic days of summer oh boy they are passing us by quickly. It seems that winter lasted f.o.r.e.v.e.r. but the lazy, warm wonderful season is almost over.

I've realized I now cannot blog at work, considering I rarely turn on my computer at home anymore this cuts into my blogging time and ability drastically. So much has happened. Joe & I are coming up on a big anniversary; we are in such a good place right now that I'm really enjoying our marriage. I think it's taken this long to finally get in sync with each other and we are loving every second of it. Phew.

A neighbor and I started up a dog group in our community, we have quite a group going. Busiest night we had almost 20 dogs! It was wonderful. Gella (our pup) is slowly coming out of her shell, she has actually let other people pet her. I wonder if the pride I feel is what parents feel for kids, because I am proud. She's overcoming so much just by letting a kid stand next to her! *(quick back story, she was very badly abused before we adopted her, she has many quirks due to said abuse)*

I've been taking many photos lately, there is so much beauty here that I'm having a hard time focusing on which part to try and capture. It's fun just trying, thrilling when something turns to my liking.


  1. I'm so glad to hear you guys are doing so well! And good girl Gella! She's lucky to have found you!

  2. Sounds like you two are in a really happy place- that's awesome!

    Gella sounds like my dog. She was abused and abandoned as a pup and she's so afraid of kids. Slowly she's coming out of it. I love that you started a dog group- good on ya!
