Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Third

Well today is day three of hubby not being here and it's strange. Prior our move here we were only together on weekends .. if then. Now that we live together EVERY single day, we depend on eachother. I depend on him and I miss him. Each time something funny happens, he's not there to tell; when I'm excited, not there.

My heart goes out to the men and women with spouses, loved ones or sons & daughters who are deployed! I'm so sorry for what you live with daily.

That's not what this post was going to be about, but things come up ya know. Anyways, I miss him and keep thinking how much longer it will be till he comes home. ick.


  1. I hope the time goes by quickly for you, it is always hard when you are alone!

  2. I hope he comes home soon! Feel better.
