Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veterans' Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Veterans' Day! Hubby and I enjoyed having the day off; we slept in although he slept longer than I did. While he was sleeping I cooked him up a lovely breakfast, southern by my standards. The only thing missing was gravy.

Over our 3-day weekend I broke down, I just couldn't deny it any longer. I put up our Christmas tree. We purchased the tree on October 26th so I think I waited a decent amount of time especially if you consider we wanted to put it up immediately. If you ask Joe about this, he will deny it saying it was entirely me. Bull! So our living room is quite festive albeit early, but festival and lovely all the same. Our house is so home-y I love it!

We have visitors coming at the end of this month; I need to get the guest bedroom in shape for having guests as that room has turned into a storage and laundry drying area. I'm quite excited for all the things we'll be doing with Joe's family :)

Have a great Tuesday everyone!


  1. Pictures of said tree please mamdam! Inspire us with your festive creativity!! :)

    Suze x

  2. Oh Suze, I don't know how creative it is. It's our first Christmas, so we have alot of things we still need. Like a tree topper! I was so sad to see the toppers available on base :(

    I'm ordering a cute silver star from Target lol

    But just for you, becuase you asked, I will take a picture tonight when I get home!

  3. YAY Suze -- you got there before I did. Where is that picture??
